Self-Empowerment through Breast Self-Exams: A Comprehensive How-To
As a medical oncologist for the past decade, I've witnessed the immense power of early detection in combating breast cancer. And guess what? That power starts right at home, with you. Yes, I'm talking about regular breast self-exams (BSEs). They're a simple, effective tool that...
Immunotheapy In Lung Cancer
During Novembers Lung Cancer Awareness month, Millennium Cancer Center wants to highlight the importance of immunotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally every year. And more often it gets diagnosed in very late stages when the...
What You Need To Know About Immunotherapy
The immune system finds and defends the body from infection and disease. Cancer is a complex disease that can evade and outsmart the immune system. It’s often not recognized until it has already become too difficult to handle. Cancer immunotherapy improves the immune system’s ability to...